Monday, June 28, 2010

Sun Lakes Camping Extravaganza

To revisit my twin themes of (a) belated picture posting and (b) my families getting along... the Sun Lakes camping trip from Mother's Day weekend!

My sister-in-law (D) meets her family for an annual camping trip in Sun Lakes. Last year, D expanded the trip to include her in-laws (Mike and me, the eldest brother's family, and the grandparents). In 2010, the trip got even bigger! My parents joined, as did one of D's close friends. There were kids running around everywhere, food being cooked at all hours of the day, and some pretty cutthroat games of hand and foot.

Mike and I won every round, in case you're curious.

My father was happy to take Mike and James (Mike's middle brother) out for two days of fishing on Banks Lake. I spent a lot of time napping and snacking, though there was a poorly played game of miniature golf...


Tara said...

I love that we still have fun the same way, even though it's been years and years since we've done any of these things together. :) Looks like a great trip - Hand and Foot can be a dangerous game. :)

Mom said...

Let the record show that you were actually worse at miniature golf than me - a feat that I had thought impossible! We had a wonderful time.

heather said...

Sorry I never responded to your question about the width of the posts within the new templates! I'm not sure if you've found it yet, but just in case here is where you can do it. Open up the new template designer within blogger, and click on the "Layout" tab on the left. "Adjust Width" is what you want - the third option down. I made the entire blog as wide as it would go, and then adjusted the side bar to be the right size I wanted. Hope this helps! :)