Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Dan Show

Confession: I've been feeling kid envy. Yesterday I went to an open house for my cousin's third daughter (she is so cute and tiny--even more so in his gigantic, tattooed arms!) Then I hopped over to Tara's blog and read about K-Lady's first day of school.

It's official: the biological clock has begun to ring.

Unfortunately I have to hit snooze bar for the time being. Happy substitute? I'll share photos of my brother's adorable kids!

Here's my niece L-Pie, who observed Dan very closely as the first step to learning how to cross her arms. (And you've gotta love the Northwest look my brother's sporting--we're the only region that wholeheartedly endorses socks with sandals!)

And here are all the kids in the Alaska shirts I got them on my trip this summer (yes, they'd just woken up from a nap--can you tell?):

Woo-hoo! Doesn't my brother have a gaggle (posse?) of cute little ones?


heather said...

Wow! I just cruised over to Dan's kids website. So fun!! They all are so cute - I love how Lily looks just as big as the boys!!

Katie said...

Yes, she's quite the solid little chickadee! I love the cookie smear pictures on their website (yes, they're already being indoctrinated into the ways of my mom's cookies...)