Can I just say how much I adore being pregnant? Yes, it's amazing to grow a little person. Yes, it's awesome to feel her kick (often at odd hours--she's our little night owl already).
But what I really appreciate right now is all the love and support from our friends and family. It thrills me that we'll be bringing our daughter into a world with so many good people in it... especially since they're all ready to welcome her!
I've got loved ones all over the globe, spreading from New York to China. So many people, be they near or far, have offered their congratulations. It means a lot. Truly. On top of that I've got hand-me-down baby items coming my way. I've got experienced mothers (including my own) patiently answering my frequent (and ridiculous) questions.
When I came back to school after discovering the baby's gender, my gal pals at work surprised me with adorable pink goodies. It was the perfect way to liven up what I'd thought was a regular humdrum Monday. I was (and continue to be) grateful for their support and enthusiasm. Plus... how adorable are these baby clothes? Seriously.
Even my students are getting in to it. One of my T.A.s named my baby bump "Buffy," and some other kids tacked on "Jane." (Apparently "Buffy" was too informal, but the "Jane" just classes it right up... shades of Blue Castle, anyone?)
A whole class period--in which many of the members have issues with vulgar language--decided to give up swearing because "it might harm the baby." They've since begun policing my other class periods and have expanded their ban to include (a) all peer-to-peer unkindness and (b) "anything that might stress out Ms. D." It's incredibly sweet. All I can really say is "wow."
Chivalry isn't dead, folks. It is alive and well in American teenagers. They don't get nearly enough credit for their decency, so spread the good word!
It sure is good to hear some news that is actually good =) Congrats and tell your classes to keep it up!!
I think that just might be the sweetest thing to ever come out of RRHS! They obviously love you a lot (I always pictured you as the well-loved-and-demanding teacher who helps the kids understand their potential as she pushes them towards it - now I know my little mental image was accurate) :)
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