Saturday, August 15, 2009

Love and Marriage

Today is my parents' 40th wedding anniversary. Four decades of marriage: pretty impressive, huh? Even more impressive when you consider that they're high school sweethearts. Yeah, they started dating back when my mother was 15 (or, as she likes to say, "we've been together since we were fetuses"). They've never been with anyone but each other!

Over the past few years, I've learned a little something from watching my parents. (Before that, I was a teenager and I knew everything.) I think one of the reasons they're still happy together is that they're not complacent about their marriage. They're not lazy about it. They don't take each other for granted.

Instead, they still find new things to do together--they vacation in new places or try new things. (Watching my parents try Moroccan food for the first time = priceless.) They laugh together A LOT and still create their own personal in-jokes with admirable frequency. They're friends as well as spouses.

I hope, in 40 years, that Mike and I can say that we happily followed their good example!


Angela said...

That picture is so great! It sounds like your parents are wonderful.

Tara said...

40 years?! I had to remember how old we are again. :) Very impressive, Toni! And Mr. G! (How come I call your mom by her first name, but not your dad?) I love the picture. Your family is wonderful. :)

heather said...

Love the picture too! That dress is pretty impressive! :) And about that hair cutting post - I was nervous beyond all reason when I took those scissors and started cutting! Maybe for some people it's no big deal, but not for me! Maybe after doing it for a few more years I'll become more comfortable with it!

Dave said...

Laughter is the constant memory that I have of your home. Congrats on 40 years!!