Monday, August 17, 2009

The Dark Lady

My husband knows better than to tell me what to do with my hair. He has, however, hinted rather strongly that he loves long hair and wants me to grow mine out. I've explained to him over and over again that this doesn't work--with thin, soft hair like mine it just ends up looking lank and disgusting.

His second desire is to see what I would look like with black hair (yes, in case you're wondering, Mike dated his fair share of Goth chicks before we got together). I can't do black--I think I'd look like a corpse. But I definitely went darker.

I also decided to do something drastically different in terms of cut. After all, I've had the same one for years now! So... here are some pictures of the change.

*Nerd question: did anyone get that my post title is a reference to Shakespeare's sonnets?


Tara said...

I love it! You look fantastic - all sophisticated and edgy without being old or physcho extreme. :) And, no, I regret to say that I didn't get the Shakespeare reference. Sorry. Not enough english lit in my music major. But keep referencing -- maybe I'll catch on eventually (at least I can aspire to answer your nerd questions in the affirmative!) :)

heather said...

Love the hair! Looks great on you!

Angela said...

I love your hair. The color makes your eyes look more beautiful!