Friday, March 25, 2011

March 2011: Belly Watch

I haven't found the perfect March "belly watch" picture. So I need you to help me pick from the possibilities.

The perfect picture would (a) show off the belly (b) catch me on a good hair day and (c) at least suggest that I'm awake (as opposed to totally fatigued and spaced out). The photo would also be focused, with reasonable lighting.

This is actually harder to achieve than you might think, given that I now work twelve hour days with no benefit of caffeine. I'm also often asking coworkers (or my mom) to take my picture under the lovely fluorescent school lights.

And don't even get me started on the hair! Sigh. I miss the days of being able to dump chemicals all over my scalp for brighter, fuller tresses.

Farewell, various beloved toxins! This whole pregnancy thing is making for a much healthier me, in many respects. (Well, aside from the whole gobbling of Girl Scout cookies part...)

So... which photo should we put in Buffy's scrapbook? (Have I started the scrapbook already? Of course! It's called "nesting"... also known in certain circles "avoiding my grading.")

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